Korea Hapkido Federation-USA (KHF) Annual Seminar is a tremendous international success!
The Korea Hapkido Federation-USA Branch held the first annual seminar October 16-18, 2015 at the KHF-USA branch headquarters in Wentzville, Missouri. This was the first of many official seminars at the USA Branch HQ as well as throughout the United States. Grandmaster Michael Rhoades, U.S.A. Director for The Korea Hapkido Federation-U.S.A. Branch, along with Grandmaster Kim Myung Yong, Founder of Jin Jung Kwan Hapkido hosted students from all around the globe!
The KHF-USA would like to thank KHF Worldwide President GM Oh, Se Lim and General Director GM Bae, Sung Book for their support of the KHF-USA branch. The KHF-USA would also like to thank Grandmaster Kim Myung Yong and Grandmaster Michael Rhoades for sharing their knowledge and skills with Masters and Instructors from all over the world at the event. Grandmaster Kim shared his experience through the past seven decades with the students on the floor. His amazing ability to communicate bridged the multiple languages ‘barriers’ that were in attendance. Grandmaster Rhoades’ teaching skills and abilities set the standard! Explanation and demonstration of the techniques were quickly grasped by the students. The open-mindedness of the Hapkido instructors and students made this learning experience incomparable to any other method of instruction.
The Masters and Instructors who participated were highly motivated and true professionals who were eager to learn and grow.
Masters and Instructors from Russia, Chile, Mexico and all across the United States could be found on the training floor. Family was reunited and the shared love for Hapkido was brought together. This highly anticipated, much discussed event incorporated an unbelievable cultural opportunity for Hapkidoans to train together and come together as the family that the art of Hapkido is famous for.
A very special thank you to Master Dmitry Lozhensky for traveling from Russia to support our event and we have signed an agreement of co-operation between KHF-Russia and the KHF-USA branch. Additionally, Master Lozhensky filmed GM Rhoades performing firearm extractions, knife disarms and roping/arresting techniques. This filmography will be shown on Russian television.
Master Tracy Green was honored by being named the Secretary of the KHF-USA. Master Kyle Ament was presented his appointment as the North Central USA Director and Master Benjamin Carrasco was officially appointed as the South Central USA Director.
The KHF is uniting and growing with Hapkido professionals across the USA. As John Maxwell Team Member, Chris Robinson said during his speech at the training event for those who were there to kick off the KHF-USA seminar, “I was in the room!” is something that will created a lifelong memory for the attendees of this event.
Martial Art Instructors can host seminars at their locations. If you are a Hapkido practitioner and looking for a home where you and your students can learn and grow without politics, look no further…koreahapkidofederation.net Hap Ki!
KHF-USA 2015 Seminar
Grandmaster Michael Rhoades was appointed as the Director of the Korea Hapkido Federation over the United States in April 2015. He has humbly thanked all his seniors in the Hapkido community and especially Gm Kim Myung Yong, Gm Bae Sung Book and Obviously President Oh Se Lim.

The Korea Hapkido Federation (KHF) has announced it will hold the KHF Masters Course in Bogota, Columbia on October 10th thru 12th, 2014. This marks he first time that the KHF has held the Masters Course outside of Korea and is part of the KHF's effort to support the growth of Hapkido internationally.
Conducting the course will be international recognized masters including:
- KHF President Master Oh, Se Lim
- KHF General Director Master Bae, Sung Book
- KHF Secretary General, Latin America Master Fabian Duque.
For more information please contact Master Fabian Duque at khflatinamerica@gmail.com


Korea Hapkido Federation (KHF) has announced The 18th International
Hapkido Championships in conjunction with the Minister of Culture,
Sports and Tourism. The purpose of this event is to assist in the
development of Hapkido worldwide while building friendships and
professional relationships that will help spread the true spirit of
martial arts.
Date: November 17th, 2013
Location: Chungju City, Chungbuk-Do, Korea
Sponsor: Korea Hapkido Federation
Manager: Korea Hapkido Chungbuk Federation
Competition will take place for the following events:
Hoshin-sool (Self Defense Techniques)
- Sonmok-sool (Wrist-techniques)
- Eyubok-sool (Clothes-techniques)
- Bangkwon-sool (Punch Blocking-techniques)
- Bangjok-sool (Kick Blocking-techniques)
- Mooki-sool (Weapon-techniques)
- Yunhang-sool (Aressting-techniques)
Nakbub-sool (Falling techniques)
- Kijang-Nakbup-sool (Falling-distance)
- Height-Nakbup-sool (Falling-height)
Taksu0Balchagi-sool (Special kicking techniques)
- Dolahchagi-sool (Back spin kick)
- Kawichagi-sool (Scissor kick)
- Dubalmoahchagi-sool(Synchronized Kick using two feet)
Hapkido Team Choreography of techniques
- Show time from 5 minutes to 8 minutes
- Each team members from 10 to 20 people
- Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals for winners in each division. Trophies and Medals for team competition winners.
For further information please contact Master Bae:
Tel. 82-2-452-3538
Tel. 82-2-3437-3530

The Korea Hapkido Federation (KHF) will hold its 22nd Master’s Course
Seminar on October 19th, 2013 through October 29th. The training
course will be held at the KHF’s newly established KHF Central Institute
for Training located in Kyung-Ju, Korea.
the KHF has held the masters course annually but has decided to expand
the course so that it will be offered twice a year, the first session
will be held each May and the second session each October.
The KHF has decided to expand the pro=gram so as to better serve its
members and to assist the worldwide expansion of Hapkido.
Attendance and completion of his course is required for promotion to 4th Dan in the KHF.
Applicants must be:
* 18 years of age prior to the date of the course.
* 3rd Dan holders who are preparing for 4th Dan rank testing.
* 4th Dan holders or the above Dan holders who have not completed the Master's Seminar. Completion of the KHF Master's Course is
required to receive the rank of 4th Dan.
* Masters or instructors holding the rank of 3rd Dan or higher rank from
other HKD organizations wishing to receive KHF rank and certification.
The purpose of the Master’s Course is to provide an advanced understanding
of Hapkido, Tong-Sung, Jee-Myung, and Bo-Jung while perfecting the
application of traditional KHF techniques. Another major goal of the
Masters Course is to cultivate decency and understanding of the laws of
nature, as practitioners of Hapkido.
Date: October 19th, 2013 - October 21st, 2013
Location: Central Institute for Training, Kyung-Ju, Korea
Application Date: Due by October 11th, 2013
Fee: $300.00 US (includes accommodation, uniform, textbook, cane, short-stick)
Certificate: KHF Master Certificate, Diploma of Master's Course (3rd Dan holders, receive their Masters Certificate when they are awarded 4th Dan)
Future Seminars:
2014 Spring Session: The 3rd weekend of May (for 3 days 2 nights)
2014 Autumn Session The 3rd weekend of October (for 3 days 2 nights)
For further information please contact Master Bae:
Tel. 82-2-452-3538
Tel. 82-2-3437-3530
3rd Korea Hapkido Federation Jung Sool Kwan Seminar

The 3rd Korea Hapkido Federation JungSoolKwan seminar was held in the City
of Bogota Colombia on July 6th and 7th, 2013. There were over 90
participants from all over Colombia and the United States.
Master Fabian Duque was very impressed with the technical level of all of the participants.
Hapkido Summer Camp - Poland

Jodłówa Tuchowska, Poland… the Polish chapter of the European Hapkido Alliance recently hosted a summer camp for students of Moo
Hak Kwan Hapkido, in which all aspects of Hapkido training were covered. The beautiful setting for the camp
was near Jodłówa Tuchowska in the
Polish mountains. The camp was hosted by Polish Hapkido instructors Rafał Przybycien and Kasia Sterkowicz-Przybycien. Special
guest instructors from England were Master Sam Plumb 7 Dan, Chief
Instructor of the European Hapkido Alliance and his assistant Master Nick
Sellars, 5th Dan.
activities were held at the camp including Karaoke and a barbecue.
In addition to the camp events, Kasia Sterkowicz-Prybycien tested
successfully for her 4th Dan black belt.

Lee's Martial Arts Academy Celebrates new home
By Josh Kulla 2/26/10
Reprinted from WilsonvilleSpokesman.com
Martial Arts Academy recently celebrated the opening of its new studio
with a ribbon cutting and performance by its demonstration team.
Opening a new business in the current economic climate understandably takes an act of faith.
that’s exactly what Julie Lee and her husband, Master C.Y. Lee, both
natives of South Korea, understood when they opened Lee’s Martial Arts
Academy in Wilsonville over five years ago.
entering their sixth year, they are celebrating a recent move to a new
studio in Town Center Square that formerly hosted 24-Hour Fitness.
Lees held a grand opening open-house event on Monday, Feb. 22, with
appearances by city officials, including Wilsonville Mayor Tim Knapp, as
well as local business leaders. A ribbon-cutting was held, along with
an athletic and acrobatic demonstration by the Academy’s renowned
demonstration team.
first studio was in a strip mall just north of the Wilsonville Post
Office. It grew to become a familiar sight to local residents as the
Lee’s established themselves and their business.
in TaeKwonDo and Hapkido, Master Lee not only holds a degree in
combative martial arts from South Korea’s Yong-In University, he has
accumulated over 20 years of teaching experience, including a stint
instructing the South Korean national Hapkido squad.
the same time, he has continued his own studies and currently holds a
sixth-degree Black Belt in Hapkido and a fifth-degree Black Belt from
the World TaeKwonDo Federation.
News From the KHF - New Zealand
Moorim Hapkido Martial Arts Centre, headed by Master Shin, Jae Hwan held a demonstration and marched in the
Howick Santa Parade which is one of the biggest event of the year in
Auckland City. From the photos it appears that a great time was
had by everyone.

In addition they were visited by Korea Hapkido Federation Gang-Won-Do region Demonstration team. The Demonstration was held at The Botany Shopping Centre Mall.

International Hapkido Federation
8th Triennial World Championships - Battle Creek, MI
Kellogg Arena, Battle Creek, MI on August 6-8, 2010

The Championships aims to create a competitive platform where the value of
Hap Ki Do will be highlighted by the many important representatives of
the world. The Championship promises total martial arts experience for
competitors and attendees. All of these, we promise, will happen
in the temperate and warm climate of Battle Creek, Michigan, U.S.A.
Please contact us by phone at (269) 963-5425 or you may email us at
hapkido2010worldchampionships@yahoo.com should you have any inquiries.
Official Championship website is www.ihfusa.com for more information
updates and registration.
TMAS - Specializes in teaching foreign students Hapkido in Seoul, Korea.

Master Kim with a group of his foreign students
Total Martial Arts System (TMAS), located in Seoul Korea specializes in teaching foreign students WTF style Taekwondo and KHF style Hapkido.
Kim, Nam Su, founder of TMAS graduated from Yong-In University, Korea's
most prominent martial arts institution and has mastered several
martial arts including KHF Hapkido, Taekwondo, Yudo, Yongmoodo,
and Teukgongmoosul (Special Forces techniques). Master Kim been
teaching foreigners, both military personnel and private
individuals, for
several years. Together with his foreign assistant master they have
developed a martial arts program designed specifically for foreigners
taught completely in English. All TMAS classes are taught in English so
you can learn KHF Style Hapkido, and do so in the true style of
Korean martial arts, training and spending time together
like a family.
many foreign students arrive in Korea they are shocked to find that
most martial arts dojangs do not have English speaking instructors and
this make a students efforts far more challenging from a learning
Kim stated that "It is difficult for foreign students to learn the
techniques properly, more often copying motion as opposed to learning
the theory and practice that generates true power. This is why people
continually come to train in Korea, in the hopes to learn the true
practice and power of techniques from the lands where they
originated. We seek to meet the needs of these students while
still maintaining the quality of our programs"
TMAS program not only furthers the students Hapkido knowledge and
skills, it also stresses teaching Korean culture so that a student may
more comfortably pursue their professional or personal tasks while
living in Korea.
To learn more about this program please refer to the TMAS website at www.t-m-a-s.com.
Foreign Students wishing to Train in Korea
KHF Headquarters, Seoul, Korea
KHF would like to invite anyone visiting Korea to train with some
of our top masters. We will be glad to help anyone visiting
Korea to find
a Hapkido dojang (school). Additionally, Master
Kim, Nam Je, KHF 8th dan, has offered to open his dojang
anyone visiting Seoul. Master Kim, Nam Je is on of
the most respected masters in Korea and was featured on the television
Show "Fight Quest" representing Hapkido as a combat art.
you are visiting a province outside of Seoul, the KHF office will
provide you with a training facility near your destination. The
KHF has schools throughout Korea and has the largest membership of any
Hapkido association in Korea.
If you are visiting Korea, please contact the KHF in order to
schedule classes:
Korea Hapkido Federation
18-11 Rung-Dong
Seoul 143-180
South Korea
Tel : 82-2-3437-3430
Fax : 82-2-456-0953
Moorim Hapkido Martial Arts Centre Black Belt Examination
Howick, Auckland, NZ
Master Shin, Jae Hwan of the Moorim Hapkido Martial Arts Center in
Howick, Acukland, New Zealand recently held the schools first black belt
examination. The school has been open for a little over two and a
half years and is proving to be very successful.
the examination thirteen students tested for their Dan rank, of these
students eight successfully passed the exam and are now Korea Hapkido
Federation certified black belts. During the test Master jenny
performed a womens self defense demonstration while Instructor Andy
excited the spectators with a nunchuck exhibition.
Master Shin is determined to spread authentic KHF style Hapkido throughout New Zealand and has been
very impressed with the desire and effort he has witnessed from his
students. "The people of New Zealand are very keen to learn
Hapkido as well as Korean culture. They are very enthusiastic about
learning authentic Hapkido".
If anyone is interested in learning KHF style Hapkido in New Zealand, please contact Master Shin at Moorim Hapkido Martial Arts Centre, Unit B 239 Moore Street, Howick Auckland, New Zealand. You can call Master Shin at (09) 537-0450.
The Passing of Master Myung, Kwan Sik
By Kevin F. Donohue
July 26th, 2009
is with great regret that I inform you of the passing of Master Myung
,Kwan Sik 10th Dan and founder of the World Hapkido Federation
(WHF). Master Myung died Sunday 7/19/09. I have no further details
regarding his passing.
Kwang-Sik was born in North Korea but lived in Seoul for most of his
early life. Master Myung began his study of Hapkido with Ji Han
Jae in Seoul, Korea in 1957 at the age of 16. Master Myung
later received lessons from Choi Yong-Sul, who he considered his
1967 the Sung Mu Kwan of the Korean Hapkido Association sent 15 members
of demonstration teams, including Myung, to Vietnam to demonstrate
their art and to teach Korean, US, and Vietnamese troops as well as
Special Forces.
1968, Myung published a 254-page, Korean-language book,
“Hapkido,”. This was later followed by the first major Hapkido
book in English, "Hapkido - Art of Masters" (October, 1976).
Master Myung was not just a pioneer of using books to spread Hapkido, he
was also one of the first to use vidoe tapes to assist in teaching.
was a major force in the growth of Hapkido in the United States and
Mexico and his passing will be felt by the entire Hapkido world.
Our condolences to his family, friends and students.
LA Times Article on the Passing of Grand Master Bong Soo Han
By Jocelyn Y. Stewart, Times Staff Writer
January 14, 2007
1971 the American public knew little about the martial art known as
hapkido. Then came the movie "Billy Jack" and an unforgettable
performance by a then-unknown martial arts instructor, Bong Soo Han.
Standing nearly
nose to nose with one of the movie's villains, Han, a stunt double for
Tom Laughlin, the movie's star, delivers a quick kick to the man's jaw,
flooring him. "Billy Jack" received mixed reviews from critics, but such
scenes captured the imagination of the moviegoing public and sent some
out seeking to learn the art.
early students found Han at his dojang, or studio, in Santa Monica, as
did thousands of others. For the rest of his life, he taught and
promoted the martial art through his International Hapkido Federation,
earning recognition as the father of hapkido in the Western world.
Han died Monday at his home in Santa Monica from complications of cancer, said Jon Davis, a spokesman for the family. He was 73.
was, for me, the quintessential martial artist," said Joe Hyams, an
author and longtime friend. "Master Han always handled his role as a
grand master with a really profound sense of who he was and what he
represented. He was an inspiration for his students."
Aug. 25, 1933, in On Chun, near Seoul in what is now South Korea, Han
was the youngest of five children. His parents, In Suk Han and Hee Suk
Han, made their living farming. During Japan's occupation of Korea, Han
studied the Japanese martial arts kendo and judo in school. Later he
earned a black belt in an art known as kwon bup. During the Korean War, he put his study of martial arts on hold and fought with the army.
his discharge, Han was in Seoul one day and observed Young Sul Choi
performing a demonstration of hapkido, which has been described as the
"art of coordinated inner strength." Hapkido incorporates powerful
kicking techniques and fluid throwing. It is based on the water
principles of yielding, circular motion and penetration. "I was
most impressed by its flowing, effortless movements," Han said in an
interview with Martial Arts & Combat Sports magazine in 2001.
"Instead of clashing, there were redirection and circular motion … the
way of natural movements."
became a student of Choi, considered one of Korea's best fighting
masters, then entered a Buddhist monastery to further develop his
martial arts knowledge. In his early days as a teacher, Han trained
Korean military personnel and police, as well as Green Berets in the
U.S. Army's Special Forces.
moved to the United States in 1967, hoping to spread hapkido in the
West. "In order to spread out all over the world, you have to come to
the biggest and most powerful nation," he said in a 1984 interview.
July 4, 1969, Han gave a demonstration at a park in Pacific Palisades.
Laughlin was in the audience that day and later became one of Han's
students. Though Laughlin performed much of his own stunt work in "Billy
Jack," Han performed the more advanced techniques and choreographed
fight scenes.
saw that and thought, 'Boy, oh, boy. That's great,' and I went over to
Han's dojang and enrolled," said Hyams, a martial artist who wrote "Zen
in the Martial Arts," which explores the teachings of Han and others.
Jack" led to other film work, with Han appearing in or coordinating
fight scenes in "Force Five," "Kentucky Fried Movie" and "Cleopatra
Jones," among others.
married and later divorced Christen Oh. He is survived by their two
children, daughter Susan Han and son Tad Han, both of Santa Monica. In
addition, Han is survived by a sister, Ok Su Han of Santa Monica, and
son-in-law Kevin Riley of Santa Monica, whom Han considered a son.
he opened his first school in the 1960s, Han's teachings have spread
through his International Hapkido Federation, which now consists of nine
affiliated schools.
his students might have gone to him with the goal of fighting, Han
taught them the spiritual and mental dimensions of martial arts.
most important thing Han was taught was "to know oneself as a human
being," he once said. The most important thing he could teach a student,
he said, was "the perfection of character." In decades of teaching
thousands of students, Han promoted only about 100 to black belt. "He
held very high standards. It didn't come easy," Davis said.
teacher could throw a 250-pound man easily, yet he was gentle. A
charismatic figure, he radiated confidence, calm and security and set an
example for what students could obtain through the study of martial
arts, Hyams said. Han, a grand master, held the rank of 9th Dan Black
a samurai maxim: 'A man who's attained mastery of his art reveals it in
his every action,' " Hyams said. "And he was a master of his art."
memorial service for Han is scheduled for Wednesday at 1 p.m. at Pierce
Bros. Westwood Village Memorial Park and Mortuary, 1218 Glendon Ave.,
Los Angeles.
Victim's Neighbors Get Lesson in Defense
New York Daily News Article on Jon Kleineman KHF Master
By Tamer El-Ghobashy and Leo Standora
Daily News Dec 1, 2005
Kleineman a martial arts expert held a self-defense seminar yesterday
in the Chelsea apartment building where a young woman was tortured and
molested on Halloween by a fake firefighter.
a dozen or so residents of the large building - just five of them women
- listened to Hapkido black belt Jon Kleineman, 29, talk about avoiding
trouble and how to kick and punch your way out of it.
wanted to have some knowledge about protecting myself," said Donna
Darrell, 44. "Knowing gives you a sense of power and confidence."
Darrell said she was among the many New Yorkers shaken by the Halloween
attack in which cops say alleged sex fiend Peter Braunstein conned his
way into his victim's home by
lighting small blazes and posing as a firefighter. "I felt like it hit
too close to home," Darrell said. "It was sickening and I didn't feel
safe any longer." Braunstein, 41, a freelance writer, has been on the
lam for a month. He is was one of the city's most wanted fugitives.
90-minute self-defense seminar was held at the request of the W. 24th
St. building's owner Linda Kleban, who said she wanted to give her
tenants "something they can use." Kleban said she's installing new
security doors in the six-story building but told tenants they have to
do their part, too. "Someone let this creep into the building,"
she said. "That means we have to be more careful even it it means being