Dojang (School) KHF Membership

We are currently in the process of re-verifying all officially affiliated KHF Hapkido schools in the U.S. We appreciate your patience while we complete this process.
If you are an official member of the Korea Hapkido Federation and your school has not been listed yet, please submit proof of certification to KHF-USA Headquarters and we will be happy to add you to the list as soon as possible.
How to apply for a Dojang (School) Membership
To join and register a Dojang as one of the KHF schools, the instructor is required to show the history of his or her martial arts practice and lineage (including but not limited to black-belt rank, instructor name(s), school, etc.), listing of all martial art disciplines being taught and/or whatever the organization the instructor himself or herself is with.
Then, the instructor is required to prove the depth of practice and understanding of his or her martial arts in front of the KHF examining committee.
After some process of assessment, the instructor can get the new KHF Dan (black-belt) certificate, if the instructor is from other organizations and has non-KHF Dan certificates. Here, the instructor's own students also can apply together, if there are black-belt students.
Though the proving method is flexible (possibility of pictures, videos, etc. as example of skillset), the instructor is required to visit the KHF central training institute in the United States at least once and join a training session with committee members of education, not only to get the full membership but to practice KHF style.
After acquiring the full membership, the instructor can get the Master's Certificate (which is also necessary for promotion from the 4th Dan grade), and the Letter of Appointment which authorizes the instructor by himself or herself to promote his or her students for Dan application.
However, as explained above, before getting the full membership, the instructor can apply and acquire the KHF Dan certificate, and continue toward the membership of KHF Dojang after a certain assessment and procedure.
• Application Form
• Instructor/School Owner Martial Arts biography
• Signed document for qualified assessment (possible optional pictures/videos)
• Attended or registered for Master's Course, South Korea
• MUST hold rank with KHF
• All promotions MUST be processed through US Branch
• Please email or mail supporting documentation to the address below.
For more details contact:
Grandmaster Michael Rhoades, US Director of KHF
600 W. Pearce Blvd.
Wentzville, MO 63385
(636) 327-5425
Register Your Dojang Here
You may use the form below to submit your membership dues online with PayPal.
When submitting payment, ALL supporting documentation must be returned to complete your enrollment.
The one-time membership registration fee is US $300 plus service fees which includes a KHF flag, a badge, etc.
Reconnect with KHF
Are you a KHF Hapkido student that is interested in studying further but has been separated from your KHF instructor, school or kwan? Many of our affiliated students have studied with the Korea Hapkido Federation while stationed in Korea during a tour with the United States Military. Some are business people who were working for various international companies while they lived and worked in Korea. Also, many students here in the United States become orphaned from their program when a Master retires or a school closes for commercial reasons. Too often, these KHF Hapkidoin have been unable to locate a qualified school where they could continue their studies.
You could also be a Korean born Master who has become estranged from the KHF or your Kwan due to distance or other circumstance but you wish to reestablish your direct connection with the KHF Headquarters to obtain KHF rank for your students or yourself.
We want to assist you in maintaining and or reestablishing your connection with the KHF.
To do this please contact:
Grandmaster Michael Rhoades, US Director of KHF
600 W. Pearce Blvd.
Wentzville, MO 63385
(636) 327-5425